St. Luke's Reformation Lutheran Church
Main Street
Noxen, PA  18636

Welcome to St. Luke's!  
With 2010 fully under way, we're busy scheduling holiday activities and events.  We've got soup sales coming up and we'll be making Welsh cookies in March.  Be sure to check out Dates to Remember at left or click here for our Lenten schedule, and don't miss the photos we've added from our congregational dinner.  

As always, feel free to visit the archives page for a trip down memory lane.  You can see images from holiday parties and programs past, and even catch a glimpse of good times shared at our former social hall! 


And amidst all our ongoing hard work and community service, we've also made time to share our good fortune by volunteering and donating in conjunction with the Noxen United Methodist Church to the Pastor's Pantry, a local food bank.  

Click here to see a photo that appeared in the Citizens' Voice on November 22nd, 2008.


In case you missed it, last year's re-dedication ceremony and visit from the Bishop, held on Reformation Sunday, October 26th, 2008 was quite a highlight! 

The Sermon was given by Bishop Samuel Zeiser, who serves as Bishop of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod.    

We were pleased and honored to show him our Sunday School and Social Hall, where we held a luncheon to mark the occasion. 


For photos of the Bishop's visit, please click here.  To see the photo and caption that appeared in the Citizens' Voice newspaper on October 30th, 2008, click here.

We also held the Sunday School's Halloween party and parade that day.  You can see their costumes by following this link.

Of course, each of the last several years have marked amazing changes as well incredible challenges for our church.  In late 2007/ early 2008 we launched a major cleanup effort after the furnace in the church gave out and covered everything with soot.  Earlier in 2007 the furnace in the new social hall gave out as well and had to be replaced.  

And who could forget 2006?  The flooding in June of that year presented one of the biggest challenges our church has ever faced.  But with God's grace we overcame, cleaning and repairing the damage to our facilities AND dedicating our Sunday School and Social Hall despite the setbacks created by the natural disasterTo see photos of the building, click here.  To see photos of the congregational dinner and meeting held in November of that year, click here.


The Citizens' Voice Newspaper in Wilkes-Barre even ran an announcement in 2006 about the event.  Click on the image at left to see a larger copy of the news clipping.

Of course, we can't mention the tremendous damage to our church and parsonage/parish hall basements caused by the June, 2006 flooding without also extending our thanks to everyone involved in the cleanup efforts, including members of the church and community, and those good Samaritans who rolled up their sleeves in the first few days after the flooding.  Even now, more than two years after the fact, we are still so grateful.  For photos of the devastation in Noxen and at our church, click here.  For specific information about the damage to our church property, click here.

To the left, you'll find links to guide you throughout the site, which is filled with information about our church and events.  We're always trying to keep our congregation updated with the latest information - and that includes plenty of photos. 

Church Directory

Summer:  Regular service begins at 10 a.m. every Sunday.  There is no Sunday School during the summer.

Fall/Winter/Spring: Regular service is every Sunday at 11 a.m., with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.

Lay Minister - SALM Martin Everhart
Retired Pastor - Lynn Rothrock
Organist - Barbara Barbacci

Church Council:
President - 
SALM Martin Everhart
Vice President - Harold Loch
Secretary - Jane Scott
Treasurer - Aimee Traver
Members - Sylvester Traver, Lucille Blizzard, Walter Galka, Nancy Loch, Jack A. Traver, Bob Belles, June Swanson, Linda Traver, Aimee Traver, Harold Loch

For more information, call 570-298-2611.



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