Lenten Schedule
FEB. 17 ASH WEDNESDAY…………Holy Communion @ Noxen United Methodist Church
WED, FEB. 24 LENT 1 @ Alderson U.M.C. Preaching:: Carol Folk Loyalville United Methodist
WED, MARCH 3 LENT 2 @ Lehman U.M.C. Preaching:: Maple Grove Represenative
WED, MARCH 10 LENT 3 @ Loyalville U.M.C. Preaching:: Beverly Butler Lehman Methodist
WED, MARCH 17 LENT 4 @ Kunkle U.M.C. Preaching:: Marty Everhart St Luke Lutheran
WED, MARCH 24 LENT 5 @ St. Luke Reformation Lutheran Preaching:: Alderson Methodist Represenative
APRIL 1 HOLY THURSDAY……Holy Communion @ Maple Grove U.M.C.
APRIL 2 GOOD FRIDAY @ Huntsville United Methodist Church Pastor Jim Pall
All services will begin at 7:00 PM and a Social Hour will be offered with Light Refreshment.
Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday there will be no social hr/refreshments
Offerings will go to the W-B Shoemaker Hub
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Dallas, will hold an Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, April 3rd beginning at 7 pm
There will be an Easter Sunrise Service @ Noxen Methodist for those who wish to take part.